Thursday, July 9, 2009

A Few Things I Love to Do (in No Order)

1. Watch/Listen/go to Tigers games
2. Watch/Listen/go to Red Wings games
3. Watch most sports, whether on t.v. or in person
4. Watch movies
5. Play volleyball
6. Go bowling
7. dance
8. swim
9. sit outside on a beautiful day
10. be near water
11. fly
12. travel
13. eat ice cream
14. play tennis
15. play golf... or at least go to the driving range
16. spend time with my brothers
17. play Ms. Pacman
18. play scrabble
19. play any kind of group games like taboo, scattergories, password, etc.
20. play Texas Hold 'Em
21. talk to friends
22. take photographs
23. look at pictures
24. surf the internet
25. talk about Jesus
26. teach children
27. watch my tv shows
28. shoot baskets
29. ice skate
30. paint
31. people watch

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